The Ruapehu Skifield Stakeholders Association have long acknowledged the complexity of the Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Limited insolvency and the difficult task of determining a long-term solution for the operation of the skifields at Whakapapa and Tūroa. .
FOR RELEASE 11 JUNE 2023 FROM: Ruapehu Skifields Stakeholders Association TO: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, Prime Minister CC: Kiri Allan, Virginia Andersen, Barbara Edmonds, Peeni Henare, Willie Jackson, Willow-Jean Prime, Grant Robertson, Carmel Sepuloni .
Current Situation The RSSA was originally formed as an advocacy group to help support the two skifields Whakapapa and Tūroa on Mt Ruapehu to emerge from Voluntary Administration stronger and more financially sustainable for the entire community of mountain users. .