that s just part of it. and though it was tough, though it was hard, though there were probably tragics he left behind him, when he came to know you as lord and savior, lord, we know that things changed. this is one of the aspects that i consider brings about a sense of human dignity to life of incarceration. and we just ask and pray that you bless the family, comfort them with your words and comfort them, god, knowing that you are the resurrection and the life. father, we pray all these things in thanks, in jesus name amen. death is death no matter who you are and as a result of that, like in this case, i think it was freedom. next on lockup: extended stay hey, baby! how are you doing?
contact him. lately he has written me a couple of letters. he s even asked me to get in contact with the warden and ask for his release. but i just feel like if you commit the crime, you should do the time. i just can t bring myself to go about that procedure. it was a bad day in mine and my family s life. i m sorry he has to stay in prison for what he did, but that s just the way it is. next, on lockup: extended stay. it happened eight years ago on february 24th, 1999. sherman moore comes face to face with the mother of someone else s victim. i can t say i understand how you feel, but i can understand your loss. it really shook me up. there s no justifiable reason to take a life. sfx: engine sounds introducing the new can-am spyder f3.
and i didn t want to. people started calling me, and i thought i ve got to find out why payton died so this doesn t happen. and that s the journey that s brought me here today. life is a precious gift. for all of us. you don t dump all that rage onto someone else. i don t have hate in my heart. what i have is compassion in my heart and i have faith and hope that because i ve come here today that maybe one of you will reach out to someone in your life to give them hope. what happened here today was unexpected for me, totally unexpected. i came here thinking i might unleash my rage and my anger, but what i found, i found what else i can do to try to make a difference. i d like to say thank you. your strength is overwhelming. your love for your daughter and
the body for burial or even have a burial spot. as a result of that, the state takes responsibility for whatever inmate it has in custody at that time to bury him, to be able to have a funeral. whether it s a life sentence, life without parole or even if it s a death sentence, they ve accomplished their sentence when they get to this point and a lot of them in terms of options prefer death as compared to living in prison. let s pray. lord, we thank you so much for your blessing, your goodness and, god, life. and, lord, i pray that we may be able to understand life. lord, our loss with regard is tearful, it s sorrowful. we know he s a gain as far as heaven is concerned. another part of the job done with the utmost of respect, it s part of the normal life cycle. the man was incarcerated. he was there. the sentence was imposed upon him.
sorrow for the crimes they ve committed. you ve all given me courage today and hope. i feel that i ve made an impact. i felt like i connected with a number of the men here today. i had to do this for myself. it has taught me, enabled me to grow. i ve taken a life. to confront my victim, listening and talking to you, has been able to help me understand the effect, the impact i had on life. you re very strong. there is no reason. there s no justifiable reason to take a life. next on lockup: extended stay. i miss my partner. i haven t been able to write my music. anthony faces an uncertain future in ad seg.