it is inconceivable to me when they made this interim report in march that that didn t go to mcgahn and to others in the white house counsel s office. it would surprise me if mcgahn didn t share that with others in the white house then. certainly by the time the fbi finished its full report in july, that had to make it to his desk. i suspect we ll see that in leaks. the other way we would see that is if the white house finally does what a rational white house would do and come clean in this. the only way they can come clean is to do two things. one, to tell the whole story, and two, to let people go. because if they tell the whole story, if they stop lying, what we re going to see is wrongdoing on behalf of officials who knew about this, and didn t take any action and the only reaction to that is going to be to fire those officials. we ll see if they take that action. i m personally a little bit skeptical. jill, i heard this seven-day scandal compared to the six-day fight with gold-s