in the united states. we have to take a break. there was a lie-in across the street from the white house. they were supporting the victims who died in the parkland shooting last week. we ll talk to the mayor about the shootings. 1234506789
with energy. has he ever said anything negative about vladimir putin? i don t know if he ever has. i m not around him 24/7. publicly he s never said anything negative about vladimir putin. he never tweeted anything negative against putin. he does have a pretty complex game with north korea. you think we can solve the north korea problem without being able to deal with the russians on this? no, i think the president of the united states should forcibly come out and condemn what the russians did and reinforce the american people that he s on top of this and we re not going to tolerate this moving forward and that he s instructed the national security i don t want ronald reagan to say, oh, we ll look the other way with all the spying going on in the united states. we have to take a break. there was a lie-in across the street from the white house. they were supporting the victims who died in the parkland shooting last week. we ll talk to the mayor about
the second position. so we are changing the politics. it is a lot of hard work. our organization is working incredibly hard and we are up against an opponent that has a lot of financial resources and that got us in this position. captain kelly, appreciate your time. thank you. thanks for having me on. students protest across the nation. this is a lie-in.
washington called march for our lives. they say the goal of the event is to demand a comprehensive gun bill be brought before congress. earlier today students from the d.c. area staged their own lie-in, in front of the white house to protest the lack of action on gun control. they may already be seeing results. monday morning the white house said president trump is open to bipartisan legislation to strengthen background checks. josh dossy and phillip rucker write congress is on recess, so there is unlikely to be any substantive progress this week, but the students of that high school already have plans to visit to continue their push for change.
against us. in washington other students held a protest in front of the white house earlier today. watch this. 17-year-old protestors representing the 17 victims staged a lie-in with solidarity of the florida teaens demanding changes to gun laws. i want to bring in the rabbi of coral springs. rabbi, first tell us the families you re dealing with. i understand four of the students who were killed were jewish. one of the adults was jewish. five of the 17, and you ve been counseling their families. how are they doing? of course, as can be understood, it s really tough, and as you mentioned, i ve been counseling the families as well as my fellow rabbis and all the people here in the community have been just amazing. i know i personally have