ncphe raoover 2 tlln p dolrs. thlasteallln l. ic b orthestl the financi crisisasic bore 16 2th fci c llsn llass. that whethe emoctsook ove and we have a athee oc1.k6 ved w trliveon dlar deci up1.6 tr li den-frd nd n u they manag to cut0 li -fdolldarnds? nhey anit seanus, i tono cthinutg.0li ll jusar oun t belve m y snu i rs wnon thin wer talking usn bel m yabt he erri wbltheralngcric alyn: d of ricose ncrowic th eal: ofbodyscose strni n eirthrm e and pdyting thselv on e sback rrmnd pnow,ng ththe rlvn battlbae gi ifno th r btle thgiho iht 3fbilln wa hardthe bt cliiv e thweeks fromho 3nollwa five ee rde t omiv or lek hrom to beive ifte d. o wh s gng thapp h o there? > tewe ll ewhen gal tlypphe t the? pay>re goingwe to eanentally some cmireen gng t g tenne budget cutting a me dealen w g th ebu et20ut budge defiteal a deing20 w b t wholeithi just not w t dcrleiory hi spdi whi mea we st nve toio gry nt ospealtcahireeand e theoney heedal ntvernont sltnds ere d rend
the s otheway minize tterox or: puna ty ca. ths hey ine er oti cs pr ium pune o tca li ers w wos haer cpr m to oelp utralize os rs iwoha multle-c hom. top raand or im iovedormu alslt-c omhelp elimate st. d imedmulslp imso ie s tn ev to kp yo hou elli jus itheea tway evu wa it. kyoou lirinausidy ets. y wat. keepour me sllin likeome. nay . epr sin kee.
a ole fas,ntasy. h bt h vertlittle inhe weayfa as real d efic heredttie and wh w was t w eaostl dictind wh asassuming a r wate oosf gwth sung a t rt o g wtthehnid es hn t periced nce was teenheer a tha ht was lriond e s time ag en aha cytonwhenou sasth l me agconfssions witthe conen s present, m curious,ou nf nsit e that lead t est, ris, a futouurixg at ea ofdfaising the dt aut clioff. ai esidt bu t hado doith d t and w ec seehe rtidbuaddo ah d an any we srt a coessis fro p asinynt ama at wl sthi fro co es evsiront a wsthi evappenggain. t onlway wape capennngga. ra the t dnlyt lim i t wca ra lim fure cut endi and aise fu taxet sdir some c anaon of aise e two. xe andon tome leton o e two. fl u,nd t l ising fes onhe fl u, in gweal fthy,esnhe weyocoy,d rae 100%ra on everneak 0%$2,000 o ev ak ar ati wouldn $2t,0 s
he probm.ti wld n ift raise tax b ob50%if thiaink t axou youitolng tax gog upy hi% we outiolng t ha vegoupy e 560ti billion d halar efit asyn:s th rig b? li d goodss. t t s righit tt s ow an: th ouigof cgoonodolsshiis ts gh wars e s nd ou76 c me w s 76 tn me ta in n ince the octara tinoo over theyave ce increasra the o defit yey teefo. i re haveheo te ay t fity tefo. cckbo ok ve tcred car, cuy t the up c boolok thg. edarcu a tsyn:eter ou ttinnto t he an:er ideol ogal ttle ant t thehe presideaiddeol hano bus in sle b a t i phesi ai t h isha buet obausle s lete fnkhe if y cut the t hbu ndin getof p ila yed paruthethood that 350 minlig dololars a p laedar ear,nd s at hat at y50ou re mli talkolgrs aut that r,s att y rheese are lk a thutkindhaf cotessi woohehe a re ndr ith th ndsomecothsig?oo welf wgo tniddr ith me elll f id dcrioryll iorypeing, plned rentod a so rth woun t banpecein t
yo beng the difrent nghe d cryons, an t se be crnsan sthie ise absu. hi abno t he s nhi i dot thk wi tixg up hilors ind u y ou ourdo thwi eat uy. hey, here re drsifndrent you ur shades i t mig by,thre difnt lo ad i uigloig be th cor. isig be . ispening upe an niopportunity to tk abt dirsit de: dersi is t jn uspotun outolor a nd t tabngdi titt s d dsi s on othe jusroems hat mayt or a ngen u tt s nt s no oe ve:tivayty m u n th tha comes in any> : ap ndth t sizhaes cndom inbvyiously coors s parapt ofizbvus co is art o fhe datecontins. whei was iun >go dead,e gcoahead. ave:hee hai to asave > . d, gea thks. e:sounha liko he wee cld o few ro ds on t une cikould w g cno a a boutfero o t thie. c ldave: get uknown w ahat y aut inabou it ffhieekend ne: uow y ttter . ou ieendn t eromin. on e sh, clton d al