a possible reprieve on tariffs. united states presidentjoe biden says his administration could drop the trump era tariffs on china. that comment from mr biden comes against the backdrop of surging inflation in the us. in remarks at the white house on tuesday, mr biden also blamed the rising cost of living on pandemic disruptions and the war in ukraine. our north america business correspondent michelle fleury has more. the latest inflation reading is due out this wednesday, economists predict it will show rising prices remain entrenched, for americans filling up this tank this will come as no surprise, the average price of a gallon of petrol at an all time high, rising inflation notjust an economic challenge, also a political one. president popularity has taken a hit over this issue told americans felt their pain though he blamed the war in ukraine and the pandemic for soaring prices. i war in ukraine and the pandemic for soaring prices. for soaring prices. i want every ameri
joining me now is piers harding rolls, research director ampere analysis. piers is this a purely financial decisoion? i don t think it is. when you look at what both parties, ea and fifa wanted to get out of the deal, they have clearly diverged over the past few years, fifa was looking for more revenue. but also wanted to offer less exclusivity under the current deal. because its aim really is to scale its licensing business. if you have exclusive relationships, it is harder to do that. there is a lot of competition coming into the football space so i think it was thinking about its opportunities to do deals with other companies coming into the space. from the point of view of ea, it would have weighed the ongoing licensing costs,
/PRNewswire/ The "Asia Pacific Field Service Management Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)" report has been added to.
Appel à candidatures pour le recrutement d’étudiants à l’IUFIC au titre de l’année universitaire 2021-2022
samedi 10 juillet 2021 à 08h30min
Le Président de l’Université Thomas SANKARA informe les travailleurs et les étudiants du recrutement d’étudiants à l’Institut Universitaire de Formations Initiale et Continue (IUFIC) au titre de l’année universitaire 2021-2022 pour les filières suivantes :
Masters professionnels (M2) en Co-diplomation avec l’Université Senghor d’Alexandrie
Management des Projets
Niveau d’accès : Master 1 ou Maîtrise. Inscription : http://senghor.refer.org
NB : Possibilité de validation des acquis professionnels au niveau de l’Université Senghor d’Alexandrie pour ces trois masters uniquement.