As 2023 has come and gone and we are venturing into the new year, The Graham Leader is taking a look back at the local news that happened during the past 12 months.January • Young County Judge Win Graham was sworn into office Sunday, Jan. 1 succeeding former Young County Judge John Bullock, who retired after holding the position since 2011. Graham said as he began his first term in office, he was thankful for the support he received.
Following a recommendation from the Library of Graham Advisory Board, DeAnna Bullock was appointed as director of the Library of Graham by the Graham City Council this week. Bullock will move from an interim role to the permanent position overseeing the facility. Bullock began working at the library in early 2022 after working on a contract basis doing various projects while utilizing the library for her son’s tutoring. When former director Kelly LaFarge was appointed in February to replace Sherrie Gibson, Bullock saw new positions open at the library.
City council is considering whether or not to overturn a recent library board decision to retain and reshelve a contested book as part of Thursday’s meeting. The Library of Graham Advisory Board voted Thursday, Nov. 9 in favor of keeping “We Need to Talk About Vaginas: An IMPORTANT Book About Vulvas, Periods, Puberty and Sex!” The book is currently set to be relocated to a yet to be determined area of the library.
A book that has been the topic of some heated discussion at recent library meetings will be reshelved after this week’s vote of the board. The Library of Graham Advisory Board voted 5-2 in favor of keeping “We Need to Talk About Vaginas: An IMPORTANT Book About Vulvas, Periods, Puberty and Sex!” The book will soon be relocated to a yet to be determined area of the library. The book, authored by Dr. Allison K. Rodgers, is a non-fiction, illustrated book that shares information on sensitive topics such as anatomy, sex, periods, consent and more.