if you played cricket americans, you would immediatel y. i used to be a pitcher. well, you would declare the ball right at your heased td and would go right in the strike zone. on a good day on a bench, you ve got over the backstop. an i actually hit kill me this morning on fox and friends. i the kid in to kill. he deserved it. don t worry about it. that s fin ie. all right, piers, great job. thank you, sir, and welcomey to hannity. hope we had a great fourt with you and your family. and tonight, shockinshockingg nt developments in the highly unusual federal problye into hunter biden that did more tore protect the biden family thanhan actually investigate any potential real crimes. and sh also tonight, sara carter. she will join us with more onfri today s san francisco s reparations panel,sc where one member accused straight white men of being serial killers. also, more racist attacks from the left against justice clarencel thomas. now, cassie dos santos, its. seems li
person to instill to other people. but, you know, sometimethers you need to get suspended to learn a lesson. i surely got suspended a few times in high school and look at me now. lome now. now i learned my lesson and it don t know what they re doing. looks like a lot of young women. i don t see a lot of men out there at the protest , the camp. you tell me what that means. maybe missing somethingheir l in their lives. but this isn t it. i would definitely notivt this with terrorists as somethingwi, you know, i d filled my friday afternoon with when i was in college. i think i speak for harold and everybody here around eve. abli speak we were doing different things in college. i was i was studying. we were studying . t of thi we were doing a lot of things diligently and were suspended the people who know you were suspended for trying too hard? i was in the libraresse: y pass library. i refused to leave. that s why? i trespass on the library. it s after hours. and here s t
that student fers have with lass later in the alphabet may get hit with lower grades, they basically because the teachers get lazier as they great things from a to a twz. i get on you a lotrade about your grade, but the water thing may be one of the reasons why you why you got such a bad rap, because the were lazy when they got to you. well, i just i want to i want to correct the record here . just say that i did do well in school. okay. t i did but did you got a job?. is everybody laughing? i dibodyd well, when did you go back? jesse adamsesse yeah. so sandra smith, you really sure you were you don t get suspended for being the librar y longer. : so i was an excellent student, but i proved this wroni xcellen obviously. a smith. right, right. yeah. i m h. . i was a great student. i got great grades with your maiden name. yes. yes. yeah. you didn t take your husband s j. this is. this is a whole different segment that s. that s on the slowest, tyr
occasionally an administration will make a big mistake and they ll allow me ithe honone the building once or twice. but i was there under o president bush and presidentsh a trump. and correct me if i m wrong, kayleigh, bupresident are a lot areas in that white house, i did not have free reign as aho guest in that house to justwalk walk anywhere i pleased without being watche anyd by a lot of people. there were certain rooms i was not able to walk into without. people with proper credentials escorting me in. thatrtin room. ho so how did that happen?d will and wouldn t they be able to quickly determine who brought that cocaine in that white house? so that is definitely the case. you can narrow dowite house? n based on the area. so oftentimes in the trump administration, we would seno tb sitting members of the presser who are meeting with the president and the press room. so if it s found in the press room, you think, okay, maybe the press who hamas access to this room, it wasn t fo