January 26, 2021 : By Logan Smith - Office of Communications & Public Engagement
Since the March for Life will be holding virtual ceremonies in lieu of an in-person march this year, which was slated to be held in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 29, Liberty University’s Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty has organized its own march The Life March on Liberty’s campus this Friday at noon to rally in support of the pro-life cause.
Immediately following a virtual Convocation keynote address from conservative commentator, author, and host of the Relatable Podcast Allie Beth Stuckey, students, and other university affiliates are invited to gather outside the Montview Student Union to participate. Stuckey and Liberty alum and conservative personality David Benham will charge the march.
We are learning more and more about the mob that invaded the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. They were Trump-supporters, extreme Christian nationalists, QAnon believers, militia groups, and other assorted thugs. Mo Brooks, a Republican representative from Alabama, still believes that Antifa was behind the insurrection: https://twitter.com/RepMoBrooks/status/1347171352327954434 On Wednesday, Trump spoke to his followers. He said…