how could you lose to 11 republicans? he got 48% of the vote, karen handel the next closest republican only got 19. and there were four or five other democrats in the race. 48% pretty impressive.9. tucker: it doesn t get you into congress, but what s the strategy, what s the theme that undergirds this guy s campaign. if he is a template for democrats running in the post trump era, what exactly is he running on? is it higher wages? is it an end to the opiate crisis? or is it i m friends with a ton of famous actors in washington. i don t think it s friends with a ton of famous actors,al this is an opposition party right now. i think a big part of it is going to be running as a referendum on donald trump, as a presidency that has gone off the rails that hasn t accomplished anything. i think the one big issue that you can count on in a suburbanff district like at this health care. people really care about this issue, i think it s her to republicans, both their failure
well, there goes my boat. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance tucker: we want to share what is an ominous story from venezuela, like every other country that has adopted socialism, venezuela has collapsed into dire poverty and chaos.rydo inflation is now in the triple digits and despite the world s largest oil reserves, that country can t even keep its lights on. things are so bad at this very moment the country is plunging into civil disorder. thousands of demonstrators clashed with security forces, of the president nicolas maduro. in 2012, that country banned the private purchase of firearms and ammunition and launched a massive campaign to disarm the civilian population, that wasn t accidental. you can see where this is going.
greece it s a problem for europe. what s happening now is that the european union, european leaders are so focused on trying to stop people from leaving, their priority is stopping people from leaving libya, the problem is libya is not a normal country, it s not a stable country with functioning institutions. people personally have told me,p i was beaten up on the phone. tucker: you don t need to convince me, i m sold. what s happened in libya is a man-made disaster and it s terrible, you re not answering my core question and that s the core question, why is europe responsible? why shouldn t these people be sent to bolivia or kenya or china? i don t understand why europe or the united states is uniquely responsible for their faith, what s the answer? europe is responsible when people are arriving in the water off the coast of europe. these are internationalns treaties, european countries and european vessels can t send
a whistleblower in 2013 who said that this is going on, the fbi did a good job of prosecuting w this particular doctor, i think it s going to send the necessary message, unfortunately, there are 26 states in the united states that have no laws. it makes it easy for people who want to have little girls chaperone, the this particular woman mutilated, they were brought in from minnesota where it is banned to michigan where there is no proper ban. there s a lot of work to do still. tucker: this practice is so cruel and horrifying that i m not even going, and i don t want to, describe what it is on television, but it s trulycr awful. i think any western or hearing
tucker: interest there s got to be an advantage over the way it s been played previously. would you rate north korea the greatest nuclearthreat to the united states or is there a scarier one? at this moment it s the greatest one because we are not certain, we know that it has the ability to build nuclear weapons. can it miniaturize them? can it make them bucket enough to be launched by a missile? are the missiles reliable enough? that doesn t seem to be the case. i can say that easily becausetoi have no responsibility. the president has to make the call, how much a chance chancece to see willing to take and figure out just what the price is going to be? this is the most dangerous i suspect because it s good to be the hardest one to eliminate. tucker: do you think finally that the north korean government is predictable and rational in its evil way? it has been perfectly predictable. it wants to appear to be weak so that nobody bothers it, crazy so that nobody pokes at it because