The Hague, October 14, 2022 - Aegon announced today that it has successfully completed the divestment of its 50% stake in the Spanish insurance joint venture with Liberbank to Unicaja Banco. As announced
THE HAGUE (dpa-AFX) - Aegon said that it plans to sell its 50% stake in the Spanish insurance joint venture with Liberbank to Unicaja Banco. The sale follows the change of control in Liberbank
Unicaja Banco, una vez culminada la fusión con Liberbank, se ha convertido en el patrocinador principal del Club Balonmano La Calzada de Gijón, para la temporad
Unicaja Banco, una vez culminada la fusión con Liberbank, se ha convertido en el patrocinador principal del Oviedo Club de Baloncesto para la temporada 2021-202