La vicepresidenta cuarta y ministra para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Teresa Ribera, resaltó el «consenso alto» alcanzado con los regantes de Tajo-Segu
La crescita e le semplificazioni. Le banche e la politica. Le fusioni e le ambizioni. La sinistra e le tasse. E poi un nuovo metodo di governo: un po’ meno .
you know what is funny about th poll, in the overall scheme of things, they are not the libera and in the sense that they have abandoned the classic liberal liberalism. these to be the champions of free speech. and they ve actually a bad a lo of liberal principles to double down on they are the party at the working-class. i m waiting for them to embrace and we ll occupy wall street. there is a weird ship going on you are seeing some really interesting voices on the left that are becoming more like the greenwald set the world. we will talk about that later. we ll denver pride push the cop aside.