Audio Engineers of Detroit has opened a new recording studio in midtown Detroit, opting for a 2- channel Neve Genesys Black console to power the studio's main control room.
Black and ethnically diverse employees make up just 1 in 5 of top music jobs, reveals UK Music survey
1 June 2021
Black, Asian and other ethnically diverse employees account for just 19.9% – or 1 in 5 – of top music jobs according to a new survey from UK Music, an organisation which represents the collective interests of the UK’s music industry.
The organisation has released new data about the ethnic backgrounds of those working in the UK music industry, breaking down people’s ethnicity into of Black, Asian and Mixed for the first time.
While Music UK’s work on equality, diversity and inclusion has successfully boosted representation of Black, Asian, and people from other ethnic backgrounds at almost every level, the group warned that this shift was not reflected at senior levels.