This story is part of a series highlighting the work done through the Equal Rights in Action (ERA) Fund. Through the ERA Fund, NDI supports local activist organizations all over the world, strengthening democracy and defending the human rights of marginalized communities. LGBTQI+ communities, people with disabilities (PWD) and other marginalized communities face discrimination and unfair treatment at the individual and systemic levels, operating with limited resources and overcoming tumultuous circumstances.
person should face discrimination for who they are. ip am deeply concerned this decision could invite discrimination against lgbtqi +. protects all americans, including people with of color, people with disabilities and women. the web designer said she would create for gay, lesbian or bisexual clients as long as it does not violate her beliefs. acknowledging this is narrow situation and about freedom of speech. emily: exactly right. greatest travesty is continued bungling by this administration of points, specific points and legal soundness of decisions