lgbtq hate, you know, anti black racism, racism i general. how are they all connected they re, first to you. well, other-ism has alway been a strong political tool i this country we ve seen, since the last administration took current, a escalation of othering because of the fear that individuals who are at one point seen as people not fully human that s a case in african americans, in these cases, i the lgbtq community, are not consistent with the same white wasp ideological belief system as people who could be under attack what s really taking place i our numbers are growing. we are actually succeeding i the political space and as a result, the fear of how they treat other people is no catching up and we are seein the fear play out in a way i which we have not seen since the 40s or the 50s you know, sarah kate,
The Club Q attack suspect appeared in court today, facing 305 charges that include first-degree murder, attempted murder, assault and bias-motivated crimes.
According to a study from the Extremism Research Center at Cal State San Bernadino, bias-motivated incidents are up 5% in 2022 after they rose nearly 30% last year.