identify let alone reunite them with their parents. lexy mccammccammon, how doe something like this happen? we ve been reporting the drama around dhs and stephen miller and turf wars and fights. there is a lot of detail in there. but the macro picture is that this is a massive, massive failure of our government. right. organizations. right. well, and julia certainly has more sound reporting on all the inner workings than i do. but the one thing i would say when we re looking at the big picture of the trump administration and how this could happen, one, nothing brings out trump s most radical self like immigration, and number two, the president has fixated on fixing immigration by way of building a border wall, not figuring out how to deal with the influx of migrants coming in in a human way or trying to allocate more money for more resources for the folks coming across the border. he just wants a border wall and hasn t thought more about how to actually solve the crisis than t