help of police. look at this guy. his outfit. sort of the middle-aged batman coming to the rescue. details of what happened here straight ahead. [ male announcer ] the lexus command performance sales event has begun. featuring the powerful gs.
hugo chavez is fighting a new severe infection and breathing with greater difficulty today. his overall condition remains, quote, very delicate. chavez returned home from cuba last month where he had been receiving treatment for aun specified form of cancer. macy s loves martha. and then pjcpenney woos martha. mars martha on the witness stand. we re on the case after this. [ male announcer ] the lexus command performance sales event has begun. featuring the exhilarating is. engineered to take on the most thrilling curves no matter where they are.
i m not suggesting for once you don t have a warm and wonderful relationship with your family and grandchildren in these open-space areas. but you need to understand that we humans we call them parks. you can t describe them as open-space areas and expect to win elections. because humans tend to vote for other humans. is that a low blow or what? no, but i had the same reaction when he said open spaces. give him a break. he s playing with his grand kids. cute video. you stay classy in new york. thank you very much for stopping by. still ahead on way too early, why are you awake? your tweets, texts, e-mails are next, and morning joe is moments away. [ male announcer ] the lexus command performance sales event has begun.
the next list. a neuroscientist on the fast track to the future. we see animals learning to communicate with other animals using brain-to-brain interface. people who have speech impairments because of strokes or tumors or lesions on the brain, and this is a prototype of what could be a new way for patients to communicate. the next list, this sunday at 2:30 eastern. 19 minutes past the hour. stocks keep climbing higher and higher, is now the time to become a buyer? we ll have a closer look for you. [ male announcer ] the lexus command performance sales event has begun.
who returned from his fact-finding mission in north korea or whatever he was doing there. we ll play the bizarre clip from yesterday s interview and get a check on that incoming winter storm when way too early comes right back. what began as a strategic opening to iran deteriorated in its implementation into trading arms for hostages. this runs counterto my own belief, to administration policy and to the original strategy we had in mind. [ male announcer ] the lexus command performance