which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at lexus.com/thehardway. this next story contains some graphic images. the arrest of this 23-year-old man this afternoon in new york city ends a rampage that is baffling as baffling as it is bloody. new york police say they don t know why but in the span of 28 hours, he committed three fatal stabbings, a deadly hit-and-run, and at least five other knife attacks. this was the knife he used according to the nypd. among his victims, a driver of a nissan that gelman allegedly
not all manufacturing processes are created equal. not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at lexus.com/thehardway.
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not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at lexus.com/thehardway.
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