The Lexington-Richland Five school board voted to extend Superintendent Akil Ross contract through 2027, though a pair of board members expressed "trust issues" with the head of the SC district
An SC teacher advocacy organization has accused the Lexington-Richland Five school district of censorship after it stopped a teacher s lesson on a book about race. Right-wing lawmakers weigh in after
The Lexington One school district and the SC Freedom Caucus have settled a lawsuit over allegations of critical race theory in the district, with the district agreeing to cut ties
School district leaders have given differing explanations after a Chapin High School teacher s lesson on a book about racism was stopped after it triggered complaints in the Lexington-Richland 5 district
A judge denied a motion to toss a former Lexington-Richland Five school board member s libel lawsuit. The lawsuit, filed in March 2022, accuses a current board member of making defamatory