Coming employment, and inflation, and other factors. The actual path of the federal funds rate will depend on the Economic Outlook as informed by incoming data. Out growth and rapid inflation would suggest the neutral federal funds rate was rising were quickly than expected. Making it appropriate to raise the federal funds rate as well. Conversely if the economy were to disappoint, the federal funds rate would likely rise more slowly. The committee will continue with policy of reinvesting proceeds from maturing treasury securities and principle payments from agency debt and Mortgage Backed securities. As highlighted in our policy statement, we anticipate continuing this policy until normalization of the level of the federal funds rate is well underway. Maintaining our sizable holdings of longerterm securities should help maintain accommodative financial conditions and should reduce the risk that the federal funds rate might return to the effective lower bound in the event of future adv
Make up a normal person. Appreciate you bringing those issues to us. Separateperry did planned parenthood funding from medicaid funding. But i can tell you is that there was a departure from using medicaid funding at planned parenthood. Texas set up a separate fund which they used state moneys four. From all appearances the last legislative session and seem to be working quite well. It has been in the process. I will yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Collins we have long conversation before hand a lot of these issues. This is going to start on the path that we need to go. These are things that will get fixed as we go. I dont think the amendment of someone the rest into their sexual orientation. Ive heard that argument but i dont buy into it and it is very good the you brought it before us. Im happy to sit here for four hours listen to it. I think that that is a comment well said, we will stay here all day all night whatever it takes. Your support for you believe in and your repres