Family fun night attendees will have a chance to make goodwill donations to play arcade games, with the proceeds going to the International Rescue Committee, a group that provides support for people around the world struggling with trauma, which most recently has meant helping the people of Ukraine.
Special atmosphere aims to help youngsters learn more easily with fewer distractions 9:47 pm, Aug. 2, 2021 ×
Fargo Public Schools Superintendent Rupak Gandhi points out the emphasis on natural light during a tour of the Explorer Academy on Monday, Aug. 2, 2021, attached to Lewis & Clark Elementary School, Fargo.
Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor
FARGO The new Explorer Academy to provide specialized help for Fargo students who face behavioral challenges is taking shape, and although it might not be ready by the start of school on Aug. 25, it likely will in early September.
City leaders toured the new facility on Monday night, Aug. 2, as the City Commission, School Board and Park Board all met together for a joint meeting to discuss their current and future plans.