So the designation of these excellent view corridors, good view corridors, in this case, thats that designation is taking into account this pole and the wiring thats there already . My understanding, the designation is because of the location of the street and the views that are visible from this particular street. So its kind of so as it is, including that pole and all the wiring. Thats my understanding. Okay. Thank you. When you talked earlier about the characteristics of a good view street, you mentioned buildings, you mentioned parks. I didnt hear you talk about the farthest views, which i would equate probably to the term open space. Sorry. Can you repeat in your analysis, in the Planning Departments analysis, for a permit that comes before you on an excellent view street, you mentioned certain things that the Department Staff looks for. Adjacent buildings, historical structures. And you mentioned parks. I didnt hear you talk much about distant views. Under article 25, the compati
1703 for several years as well. So i know this neighborhood inside and out. I dont live there anymore, as i think most of you know, but personally, i feel very close to that neighborhood and its worth protecting. What i want to suggest to you is that you should find out from the Planning Department what exactly were the standards that they used . In 17073, you were able to get the Zoning Administrator to explain to you that the reason that he was willing to deny a permit, recommend denying a permit, while he would grant a permit on an excellent street but deny a permit on a good street, namely lombard, is because he thought that the distant views were not as worth protecting as the upclose views of lombard street. I looked at the brief that the City Attorney has filed with the California Supreme Court. The City Attorney uses two types of views throughout that brave. One, the painted ladies, and, two, the murin headlands. I would encourage you to find out whether using the same standard
I also lived down the street at 1703 for several years as well. So i know this neighborhood inside and out. I dont live there anymore, as i think most of you know, but personally, i feel very close to that neighborhood and its worth protecting. What i want to suggest to you is that you should find out from the Planning Department what exactly were the standards that they used . In 17073, you were able to get the Zoning Administrator to explain to you that the reason that he was willing to deny a permit, recommend denying a permit, while he would grant a permit on an excellent street but deny a permit on a good street, namely lombard, is because he thought that the distant views were not as worth protecting as the upclose views of lombard street. I looked at the brief that the City Attorney has filed with the California Supreme Court. The City Attorney uses two types of views throughout that brave. One, the painted ladies, and, two, the murin headlands. I would encourage you to find out
1703 for several years as well. So i know this neighborhood inside and out. I dont live there anymore, as i think most of you know, but personally, i feel very close to that neighborhood and its worth protecting. What i want to suggest to you is that you should find out from the Planning Department what exactly were the standards that they used . In 17073, you were able to get the Zoning Administrator to explain to you that the reason that he was willing to deny a permit, recommend denying a permit, while he would grant a permit on an excellent street but deny a permit on a good street, namely lombard, is because he thought that the distant views were not as worth protecting as the upclose views of lombard street. I looked at the brief that the City Attorney has filed with the California Supreme Court. The City Attorney uses two types of views throughout that brave. One, the painted ladies, and, two, the murin headlands. I would encourage you to find out whether using the same standard
The main door. So i had a perfect view of this particular pole. I also lived down the street at 1703 for several years as well. So i know this neighborhood inside and out. I dont live there anymore, as i think most of you know, but personally, i feel very close to that neighborhood and its worth protecting. What i want to suggest to you is that you should find out from the Planning Department what exactly were the standards that they used . In 17073, you were able to get the Zoning Administrator to explain to you that the reason that he was willing to deny a permit, recommend denying a permit, while he would grant a permit on an excellent street but deny a permit on a good street, namely lombard, is because he thought that the distant views were not as worth protecting as the upclose views of lombard street. I looked at the brief that the City Attorney has filed with the California Supreme Court. The City Attorney uses two types of views throughout that brave. One, the painted ladies,