On Monday, 2391 stocks advanced, 1467 declined and 177 remained unchanged, with an advance decline ratio of 1.63 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), indicating positive closing of stocks in broader markets.
Judgment Against Boca Raton Counseling Ban, This is a great victory for counselors and their clients to choose the counsel of their choice free of political censorship from government ideologues. Let this be a warning to any government that has not repealed similar counseling bans
Florida's Department of Health (DOH) has rebuked the guidance issued by the Biden administration on gender dysphoria treatment for children and adolescents, releasing its own guidelines instead. The Sunshine State said on Thursday that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones should not be used to treat gender confusion in children.
/PRNewswire/ Technavio s latest research report on the Leuprolide Acetate Market offers a comprehensive analysis on new product launches, the latest trends,.