The Special Investigation Agency (SIA), a unit carved out of Jammu and Kashmir Police, has filed a chargesheet against three persons, including an Indian student enrolled in a Pakistani university and his father, for indulging in terror activities and passing across the border information about army
The State Investigation Agency (SIA), a unit carved out of the Jammu and Kashmir police has filed a charge sheet against three persons, including an Indian student enrolled in a Pakistani university and his father, for indulging in terror activities and passing across the border information about army units. Officials said this was another example of Pakistan misusing higher
The Special Investigation Agency (SIA), a unit carved out of the Jammu and Kashmir police has filed a charge sheet against three persons including an Indian student enrolled in a Pakistani university and his father for indulging in terror activities and passing across the border information about army units
Litigants in Section 337 investigations at the International Trade Commission ("ITC") can seek discovery from foreign third parties by means of either (1) Hague letters of request, or (2) letters rogatory.