been planning and the safety of your citizens. absolutely. we re going protect everyone from the hurricane. it s a tropical storm and prosecute from fries gouging. martha: let s talk about politics. they came out with an editorial this morning, supporting president obama. what do you think about the journey of charlie? knowing we are in middle of a tropical storm, i believe in freedom of speech but he took a poor choice to exercise it. what he has said she reagan republican. she pro-life. he is pro-gun. he is pro family. he is pro business. he says he doesn t agree with hardly anything that president obama says and he was adamantly opposed to obamacare. yet she endorsing this man for
national. but there has never that s never happened. what haes happening is people are trying to i don t know. maybe unintentionally cloud the issue. it has always been up to the states. the only federal rule on the subject was the defense of marriage act, which the democrats are trying to overthrow. i would hope if president obama is reelected he would appoint justices who would then follow the constitution but that s the level at which it would be dealt with as it was in race. let s talk about politics, mark halperin. if democrats ask for a far-reaching platform plank, the policy of the united states should be marriage equality. would that be a big problem for them politically? north carolina, ohio, places like that. it would be a huge problem. but congressman frank is right. state by state. no way it can end up that way. only way i can think of you could craft a federal statute that would have the effect you are talking about is that if you linked it to something. if you
took agents ten minutes to call the police and the latest security mishap by the tsa. clayton: it was the peg leg that set off the alarms. alisyn: and the eye patch. clayton: keep going with this. dave: let s talk about politics. clayton: you were watching the blue devils lose. dave: thanks, buddy. instead of the caucuses. clayton: there was a big caucus up in washington state. they were nonbinding and aportion the delegates that go out. mitt romney with 38% of the vote and a lot of people thought maybe ron paul would pull it out. it would be his first victory, not likely. rick santorum on the stump the other day saying washington was going to be a big win. mitt romney in the going for caucuses this gives momentum to romney now, five straight states he s won and moving ahead to super tuesday and more than 400 delegates up for grabs. where do we stand now?
because this petn stuff is virtually undetectable and that s why it s been used, same guy, same bomb maker sewed into the underwear of umar farouk abdulmutallab that tried to blow up a plane on christmas. it s hard to believe we can rationalize not going into that area of yeutting that place because we can t continue to hope the saudis or somebody else provides the intelligence that would stop a would be attack. at the same time, the aclu wants to put up a lawsuit about us actually trying to go after al-awalki, i should say. let s talk about politics, that s probably on your mind. one day to go and president obama back at the white house after a final rally in cleveland. kelly wright live for us in washington. good morning, kelly. good morning, gretchen. hope you re doing well. you re right, president obama will be at the white house today going about business as usual. receiving the presidential daily briefing. meeting with senior advisors. however, he will no doubt keep
angry. you leave the bucket out and the first kid takes all of it. that s true. they do that. kids. that s what they did and we all did it, too. anyway, let s talk about politics, here is what s happening down in florida right now. it s a really weird race going on between these three, rubio, meek and crist. on friday we were discussing whether or not president clinton encouraged meek to drop out of the race so that crist could win over rubio. it looks like charlie crist was trying to inspire meek to say bye-bye to the election. and in fact, apparently, at 4:50 in the morning on monday morning, charlie crist left this voice mail message for kendrick meek who was still asleep. hey, kendrick it s charlie, it s 4:45