immunized even though they had been eligible for months because they wanted to avoid these restrictions. it does have a backlash. we saw tens of thousands of people on the streets of vienna on saturday protesting lockdown, angry about these new restrictions. police did have several arrests but what you re looking at here is europe s first true test, max. post vaccinations into the winter season as transmission rates go up and immunity wanes and what it means for experts is vaccinations aren t enough. you have to have the social restrictions in place along with the vaccinations. austria is taking a bold step of requiring everyone to get vaccinated, max. what that means is christmas could be under question for a lot of people across this region. selma, thank you. let s go to ben who s in bucharest because i guess the austrians could use romania as a case in point with just 1/3 of the population vaccinated and a real problem in terms of covid