they would draw closer to the russians and chinese. we need them right now as tensions are ramping up in the persian gulf vis-a-vis the iranians. so, you know, sometimes have you got to hack on to your friends in a situation like this. i want to say one thing. we have to engage in mbs and help him become the person that he promised that he was going to be. i think that s critical. we want him to become like king hosein and not saddam hussein, that should be the goal of american policy in the future. brian: look around the corner. don t just react to today. it s called the new girl. that is janice dean the weather machine s copy of the book. do not. janice,. do not take it from her. it is signed to her already. brian: all right. [laughter] brian: he was going to sign it for you. it already is signed. janice: i don t know if you can see it. to janice dean the weather
but it s a series of shots some people called video. ainsley: a cappella music group breaking into song at nashville chick-fil-a call on me brother when you need a hand we all need somebody to lean on i just might have a problem that y all understand we all need somebody to lean on to lean on. steve: they are even singing back in the kitchen. amazing performance going viral with more than 1 million views. ainsley: you know why? everyone is happy at chick-fil-a not only employees happy. nicest people ever. you are in a good mood when you they re. steve: the food is fantastic, just saying. ainsley: it is. brian: meanwhile, 22 minutes before the top of the hour. jason chaffetz also fantastic. fox news contributor, former chairman of oversight. and he joins us now.
activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. all i need is a miracle. all i need is you. steve: it is the shot of the morning. a single dad taking pictures morning. of himself and sending the text to his daughter asking for fashion advice because he had a date that night and these pictures via twitter have gone viral. ainsley: ladies, what shirt do you like best? the white one or blue one? his daughter texting him send another with the other shirt tucked in so can i see both. brian: the texas teen giving approval before posting the conversation online. the dad was stood up on his date but says he is getting asked out a lot more since the post went viral. steve: i like that look right there. ainsley: i like the blue tucked in. brian: how do you not show
if you like your healthcare plan, your employer based plan, can you keep it. if, in fact, you have private insurance, can you keep it. steve: okay. sounded a lot like it. ainsley: why would he use that line? why we use it. brian: he stumbles into it. when it s not written down he says what s on top of his head. ainsley: he has to know everyone smokes that line. everyone talks about it because so many people lost their insurance. steve: he is completely invested n i n it. yesterday he unveiled his healthcare plan. similar to medicare. expanded coverage by tax increases on the wealthiest americans. brian: because at least now he has to say i m not for medicare for all. you can t have it both ways i m not for scrapping might insurance like she once in a while says. as well as bernie sanders. steve: joe biden is down under 30%.
the manuscript. the jamal khashoggi murder took place in istanbul. everything that i written had sort of become dated, had to take that 250 pages, throw it in the trash can and start over. and what i did is sort of try to catch this lightning in a bottle and what s really going on in the persian gulf right now. vis-a-vis the united states, the israelis, and this fascinating, now much maligned controversial figure mohammed bin salmaed my character is khalid bin. he was being featured on 60 minutes. profiled. have you ever had lunch with oprah? brian: i would like to say i would. i haven t. if she asked i m open. he had lunch with oprah. brian: you had to recast him as a negative character.