language that is used, you know, this kind of, you know, kind of unapproving, finger wagging, you know, college professor on a molecular level is what the president is, using words assault on the middle class and epidemic of job losses, he s not appeal to the optimism of american people, the true heart and soul of the american people, let s get out this and do it and let s not be a soft bailout nation, let s get back to our rugged entrepreneurship, that s who we are and what built this country. mike: let s for a moment play the fact that the president calls the three of you and says i m going to hire you to be my economic counsel. get rid of these guys making these dumb pieces of advice for me. chris, what do you tell the president? first thing i tell him, look, inherently government spending is unefficient. for every dollar that comes in, it s going to come in one of the machines that they used to have in whoville, dr. suess where it has the different steam engines and what not an