care beds, suburban area about 25 minutes from here. that s not happening now because 125 people that they hired to work in that satellite hospital are now moving here to take care of the patients. right now they re on the docket for november to open that satellite hospital in holly springs, but, ayman, you ve watched this throughout. it s unpredictable where it s going and, frankly, they have real staffing problems here. people are exhausted, the way the head of the e.r. put it to me, it was a marathon. we re used to running a marathon. but with delta we re in an ultra marathon. these folks have been at it 16, 18 months. let s cross over to shaq in louisiana. shaq, tell us a little bit about how officials there were preparing in hopes that boosters would be approved. were they leaning one way or have views one way or the other? reporter: it really depends on who you were asking. everyone had a different view on
what you re seeing in north carolina is what folks here in louisiana went through last month. and this is good news at this point. compared to a month ago, cases are down dramatically. hospitalizations are down significantly including this hospital system running the vaccination clinic behind me down 60% from just a month ago, and then those vaccinations are up. so they re still pushing the vaccinations saying they re still not out of the woods yet but they re liking the trends they re in right now and they re ready to provide those boost fers the fda comes back and expands the eligibility for the third dose. doctor, a final thought, what s the next big thing on your radar the fda or cdc should be tracking? if there s a second vote today on recommending the vaccinations for a specific cohort of individuals, they ve done this before for immuno compromised people. now i think they might look at