June 10 through August 8, 2021. The weekly socially distanced outdoor concerts will feature four concerts over eight weekends running Thursdays through Sundays. Tickets on sale Thursday, April 29 at noon.
Employing the same health and safety guidelines as the Spring concerts, ZACH Theatre is ready to welcome patrons on campus throughout the summer. Although socially distanced pod seating looks different than a traditional show at ZACH, the “Songs Under the Stars” concert series brings the joy of live performance back to the People’s Plaza with esteemed performers and an outdoor bar all under the stars while surrounded by the Austin skyline.
Opening the series for the first two weeks,
ZACH Theatre announces a return to live performance with
March 18 through May 9, 2021. The weekly socially distanced outdoor concerts will feature five concerts over eight weekends running Thursdays through Sundays.
Employing the same health and safety guidelines as the Fall and Holiday concerts, ZACH Theatre is ready to welcome patrons back on campus. Although socially distanced pod seating looks different than a traditional show at ZACH, the “Songs Under the Stars” concert series brings the joy of live performance back to the People’s Plaza with esteemed performers and an outdoor bar all under the stars while surrounded by the Austin skyline.
Austin 360
One of the surprise theatrical hits from 2020 was the socially distanced concert series staged in Zach Theatre s spacious People s Plaza.
Thanks to mostly ideal fall weather, the city s regional theater company rolled out a series of themed concerts, from Broadway show tunes to an Austin take on Christmas standards, in the previously underused space between the Topfer Theatre and Kleberg Theatre.
The sharp rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations in late December forced the theater to cancel the final planned holiday concerts.
Now, as Austin re-enters lower Stage 4 pandemic guidelines and vaccine rollout haltingly begins, some arts organizations have an eye toward 2021 programming.
We found your Austin Holiday Concert on the plaza at Zach Theatre
Sometimes during an Austin show, I look around at the audience and wonder: “Are they aware just how lucky we are?”
Austin is blessed with such high-caliber talent, day in and day out, it is sometimes easy to take these bountiful gifts for granted.
You’d be foolish to do so on the People’s Plaza at Zach Theatre where on Thursday some 100 widely separated guests took in Chanel, Roderick Sanford, Kenny Williams, Leslie McDonel and Daniel Rowan in “A Rockin’ Holiday Concert.”
(Judy Arnold and Jessica O’Brien cycle into the cast of this show that plays six times a week through Jan. 3, with provisions made for inclement weather.)