Jimmy Dan Large (Jim), 89 years old, passed away Wednesday, April 14. 2021 at Thomson-Hood Veterans Center, Wilmore, Kentucky. He was born on September 14, 1931 in Ft. Payne, Alabama. He was preceded in death by his father, Bill Large, and mother, Lena Large, of Ft. Payne, Alabama and by his stepson, Daniel Walker of Lexington, Kentucky. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Large, Lexington, Kentucky; two sons, Michael Large and Jeffrey Large of Birmingham, Alabama; two stepchildren, Henry Walker (Laura) and Angie Allen (Mike) of Lexington, Kentucky, 14 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, one brother, Kenneth Large, Ft. Payne, Alabama, and several nieces and nephews and one great-nephew.
Their curiosity led to a class lesson. Vaccines, how they are created, how they affect their body, bringing all the sciences like biology, environmental science together,” said Durbin.
She said her students are currently learning how the immune system responds to a vaccine.
Since getting the shot, the CDC sends her text messages, which is a health check in.
She reads those questions to her students, tells them her answers, and explains. So, they can see that I m doing fine and that I haven t had any side effects at all,” said Durbin.
Some may argue the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccine too quickly, but Durbin’s students have learned with more data and results, the better the experiment is.