Letter: Retiring Wilton Bulletin editor thanks staff, community
Jan. 14, 2021
To the Editors:
Having resigned as editor of The Bulletin at the end of 2020, I wanted to take this opportunity to offer thanks.
Thanks to the Wilton community for welcoming me 11 years ago and continuing to embrace The Bulletin as its paper of record. This month, The Bulletin is marking its 84th year serving Wilton. The past two years were a challenge as we were acquired by Hearst and acclimated to some changes, but Assistant Editor Patricia Gay, Sports Editor Tim Murphy and I always strove to bring an unbiased accounting of what was happening in Wilton government, the schools, the nonprofit arena, and the general community.
new judiciary committee chairman, republican lindsey graham, believes democratic fears against barr overblown. barr says he has a high regarding formula. based on what you know for a cause, do you trust mr. mueller to be fair to the president and the country? will you make sure he can finish his job if you get the report? will he be as transparent as possible? i have asked of those questions, and i am very comfortable with his answers. melissa: in the meantime, william barr releasing excerpts of his testimony on the issue of the special counsel. he writes, i believe it is in the best interest of everyone, the president, congress, and most important leave the american people, that this matter be resolved by allowing the special counsel. i will not permit the personal interests or any other improper consideration to interfere with this or any other investigation. is that satisfying, leslie costa