/PRNewswire/ HTC VIVE continues to push the boundaries of innovation, today unveiling its new consumer flagship all-in-one, VIVE XR Elite. The headset.
/PRNewswire/ HTC VIVE continues to push the boundaries of innovation, today unveiling its new consumer flagship all-in-one, VIVE XR Elite. The headset.
Dani French and Katie Thwaites THE Bannatyne Health Club in Darlington has expanded its fitness team and has welcomed two new employees and a freelance instructor. Chris Gibson, 30, Dani French, 24 and Katie Thwaites, 22, have joined the club on Haughton Road and will be part of the existing fitness team. Mr Gibson, originally a Bannatyne Darlington member, is a freelance instructor teaching Metafit and Les Mills Body Attack. He said: “I regularly attended Body Attack classes and realised how much fun the workout was and I really wanted to be able to instruct. From there, I completed my Level 2 Exercise to Music qualification alongside my Les Mills Body Attack initial module training.