conducting side-scan sonar searches with autonomous vehicles to locate the debris. so it can be a very long search effort. very long search effort. you know two years to find air france flight 447 and had better information than we do now. so what is the best strategy to find this malaysian airliner and to give answers to the families of the missing? here with me again is colleen keller and jeffrey thomas, les abin. colleen, you were first. you were instrumental in finding adventure air france 44, and you did. tell me what you would do here at this particular juncture. well, what we should be doing, don, what we re doing now is trying to keep track of all the different areas where the aircraft could potentially have gone down. we still have possibilities that it could be farther north, it could have crashed farther south. you know, we keep hunting around in these different areas as new
their calculations would be. so in this particular case, the more time that passes by, literally, the science almost isn t as accurate. let s get back out to the ocean shield now, and will ripley is out there. i want to see your shot. i have a question for you in a bit. but i want you guys to talk about it. you see the ocean field behind will ripley there. and you said it s really disappointing. obviously, this delay, because that ship and that pinger finder, it wants to go where, les, you were saying? well, that ship wants to go where the actual impact site may have been and the wreckage of the actual airplane is. so now you have basically two searches. you the debris field search, which we ve been talking would be the chart that was just up, and then we ve got the actual airplane, which could be a positive thing, because we ve got, you know, the possibility i mean, the shot in the dark with that ship that is in port right now. michael kay? i think just again, we need to be