There are a number of government officials who found themselves on the wrong side of the law in the past year or who are set to face serious charges, most of them related to allegedly embezzling public funds.
Two former officials of a Limpopo municipality and a commissioning agent for VBS Mutual Bank who allegedly invested R150m of municipal funds into the mutual bank which was never repaid appeared in the Lebowakgomo magistrate's court this week.
A report of the ANC in Limpopo has revealed that the party has decided to crack the whip on members who are involved in criminal cases as well as those who have failed to toe the party line.
The DA will write to the Municipal Manager of Lepelle Nkumpi Local Municipality, Adelaide Morongwe Monyepao, to provide reasons for the material findings made by the Auditor General (A-G) in her 2021/2022 audit report presented to the council in January 2023. The A-G gave the municipality a qualified audit opinion and found that the municipality’s finances regressed from unqualified audit opinions received for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years.