what is it is presidential extortion and an ongoing cover-up. how come the president didn t know or didn t care? this is the day after he got past mueller s testimony, and did he think oh, now that i got rid of that, now i m done with that, get dirt for another country and goes i didn t get caught getting it from russia. it s a hands off to interference in the next election, and this time he s soliciting it and willing to smear a political opponent using military aid knowing he s being taped, knowing he s got people in this own government listening to what he s saying, and he seems to be the only one that didn t know or care he was breaking the law and creating a high crime. a leopard doesn t change its spots. it s a pattern of corruption. he did want learn his lesson from 2016 what the american should be offended by is he s
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to get worse. he s proven himself to only get worse. and second, we re lowering the conduct for future presidents. again, we don t have to look at what he did with the 2016 election. we have an election coming up that he s already inviting another country to help him with. we have to act now. like, it s now. is that part of the no time to screw around. is that part of the democratic message, that he tried to collude in 2016 when russia initiated and now by 2020 he s sort of gotten good at it and he s trying to collude again but he s initiating? a leopard doesn t change its spots, essentially. again, if this was the only thing he had done. if he hadn t cashed in on access to the oval office, work with the russians, this is still worthy of an impeachment investigation. that s what we re saying. were you in the meeting today? i was in the leadership meeting with the speaker and the caucus meeting that followed. i know there is some stuff you guys aren t going to tell us. w
you re not able to pay for the tax cuts? i don t think the effect of us, of that not resolving the same way the usmca did would be anything close to the effect on them. because basically what happens is if we put a tariff on a chinese good, then our customers can just buy it from malaysia or from the u.s. or someplace else. what you have to do is find the stuff that doesn t have a close substitute. and most of the things that we buy from china are kind of generic manufactured goods. that you can buy from somebody else if the chinese don t make a deal with us. that s why, you know, you have covered it, i m sure if you look at chinese markets, the chinese economy, then this trade dispute has had a much bigger negative effect on them than us because we could go to alternative suppliers. let me ask you about immigration because the president is hammering on immigration four days ahead of the midterms. this is what you wrote in the national review. quote, if the u.s. doubled its total i
jim, roger stone, for decades, has called himself a dirty trickster. it s very hard to believe that he shed those dirty tricks for this campaign. leopard doesn t change its spots, and roger stone does not forget dirty tricks. those are two rules to live by in politics. we re four days away, as you know, you re up for re-election from the midterm elections. great job numbers again today. continuing a trend under this administration. what is the democratic party s what is your countermessage to voters on tuesday? what will you do for american voters economic interests that republicans are not? jim, i grew up and represent dublin, california, and to people there, the economy is not the stock market. it s not the unemployment rate and it s not the gdp. it s whether people are doing better, saving more, and dreaming bigger for their kids. right now, when health care costs are going up during open enrollment, in some states, premium increases as high as