Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” is the second film adaption of the beloved Leonard Bernstein-Stephen Sondheim Broadway musical about two teens from different ethnic backgrounds who fall in love in 1950s New York City.
(Jay L. Clenenin / Los Angeles Times)
Did you ever wonder about that old barn across the street from the Hollywood Bowl? Well, it’s one of the most historic buildings from Hollywood yesterday. More than a century old, the Lasky-DeMille Barn was a film stage during the Golden Years of Hollywood DeMille’s 1914 Western “The Squaw Man” was shot there. It’s now a fabulous museum filled with vintage photos, memorabilia, documents and props illustrating the early days of filmmaking in Hollywood. Events and screenings are also held there it’s gone digital during the pandemic. The organization also works to preserve the town’s rich heritage.