Bivši američki ministar odbrane Leon Paneta uporedio je pad demokratske vlade u Avganistanu tokom vikenda sa neuspelom invazijom na Kubu u Zalivu svinja 1961. godine.
that this has it is what it is and it might slow them down? first and foremost, general flynn lied. the president was aware for 17 days and kept them arou the was story. so the question is was he dismissed because he lied or because he got caught? i don t neil: i know you re into this we don t know that, julie. neil: this is we re not going to talk about flynn. okay. neil: i want to know whether republicans can stick to that agenda. the markets thing they can. charlie, do you think they can? i think they can but they need the right management style. i m kind of old. i remember what it was like the first couple years in the clinton administration before leon paneta became the adult in the room. neil: so you think there
informs the white house council, the trump council that the national security adviser is apparently misleading the vice president and the white house press secretary. what is not clear, who did the white house counsel tell and when? joining me is msnbc security analyst jeremy bash, who served as chief of staff to leon paneta in the defense department and the scia. there are so many different power centers in the white house so it wouldn t be clear who the white house tell the chief of staff, steve bannon, the president, would he tell anyone? what is the line of authority? and is it credible that the president, that flynn would have been freelancing with the russian ambassador having this conversation about sanctions either before or after, not briefing the president? well first on who the white house counsel would tell, let s drill into that, andrea. when the attorney general of the united states comes and tells the white house counsel that the national security adviser may be
plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc what s possible. i am harris falker it is the bottom of the hour and time for the top of the news. for weeks we heard dire warningings of the crippling impacts of the looming sequestration and how it will hurt government programs including national defense. tom military leaders warning that will hurt readiness. leon paneta said the cuts could turn america in a super world power. but just how much can it hurt our department of defense? is it hype? what is it? ? joining me is captain chuck nash. captain, thanks for being with
again, is this going to happen immediately? it will have to be closely monitored jamu. prices will not come down. i will leave it there and thanks for presenting both sides. folks, out there keep an eye on this one. thanks, jamie. and now for a look, be on the news great prime minister israeli stands out for singlular accomplishmentings. chief among them ability to get along with queen victoria . ask by a noble man how he did it he famously denied. i never deny or contradict and i sometimes forget. think hillary clinton and leon paneta and susan rice and john