that has been around for a long time. the two-tiered justice system is divided by privilege and on the other side of that is those who are non- privileged. it is notable, arthel the same justice department prosecutor tried both cases the ex- baltimore police commissioner and hunter biden that man s name is leo weiss. democrats contend the focus should be on donald trump and not hunter biden. if hunter biden committed crimes hunter biden should face injustice and accountability for those crimes published by the way is a sentence i have heard very few republicans say about donald trump for much more than massive crimes. hunter biden s legal team and d.o.j. prosecutors still need to hammer out the plea deal to satisfy the judge here in wilmington of course that plea deal fell apart days ago right here in wilmington, arthel. quicksort lucas tomlinson, thank
united states. at the very least, a counsel is in order to sort of sort this out, right? i think so, neil. and then really, when you start to look at devon archer along with the wire transfers, the hidden accounts, the surreptitious way that he did business and all the texts, the phone call, everything together, good lord, i think we have a case that needs to be made and way, way more than just misdemeanor tax charges and probation. that s what really gets my gall on this, neil. and i think people look at it and say, it s just not fair. neil: thank you, guy. always good catching up with guy lewis, former u.s. attorney reading in on this case again. i urge a lot of you, i think it s up on the site, the full transcript of that. i know we always see things through a political prism, normally when there are a lot of big explosive comments out there, they re certainly worth
neil, hunter biden and the ex-police commissioner were prosecuted by the same attorney, leo weiss. hunter biden has been charged with a misdemeanor for not paying over $2 million in taxes and criminal tax attorneys tell fox, a misdemeanor for owing this much money is unheard of, normally land you three to five years in jail for not paying that much taxes and the ex-police commissioner received 10 months in jail for owing $67,000 in taxes. president biden long denied he spoke to hunter about overseas business dealings, that challenged this week by hunter s ex-business partner who said he routinely spoke to persons including at a restaurant. the reason he lied vehemently with no discussions with his son he knew he was up deep in so many of his son s business matters.
he knew he put himself on the phone more than 20 times to help his son get business as the sitting vice-president, that itself, harris, is an act of corruption. now, hunter biden s legal team and doj prosecutors must fix the plea deal to satisfy the judge in wilmington after that plea deal fell apart last week, neil. neil: thank you, lucas tomlinson with the president in wilmington, delaware: a former u.s. attorney knows of what he speaks, glad he joins us. good morning, neil from miami, florida. neil: rub it in, young man. [laughter]. neil: let me ask you about the so-called threat that some are interpreting donald trump made on the truth social post, i m coming after you , the prosecutor s office says this could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses and i
in and leo weiss, who s the new prosecutor who who s been thrown in there after the doj had to remove the entire team that s been on the hunter biden for five years after the irs whistleblowers came forward and blew the whistle, they knew prosecutor leo weiss had to be honest and say, no, we can t possibly give immunity for fara violations. and that was when hunter biden and his lawyers threw their toys out of the cot and just freaked out and said, no, the plea deal is null and void, we re not doing this. they had an expectation going in there that the judge was just going to rubber stamp this blanket immunity for hunter biden by pretending there was an ongoing investigation which clearly there cannot be. maria: yeah. alan, you called it, they said they were never going to fly with that immunity for everything. how do you walk into a courtroom and not know that? i think everybody knew it.