В августе 1991 года генерал Александр Лебедь участвовал в разработке плана по свержению президента СССР Михаила Горбачева, заявил первый секретарь московского горкома КПСС Юрий Прокофьев. Об этом он рассказал в интервью «Ленте.ру» .
Ukraine imposes a new set of anti-Russian sanctions
On 23 March 2021, the president of Ukraine enacted Presidential Decree No. 109/2021 dated 23 March 2021 “On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated 23 March 2021 On Imposition, Cancellation and Amendment of Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions),” effective from 25 March 2021 (“Sanctions Decision”) imposing personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) against almost 80 Russian companies, 23 Russian individuals and three Members of the European Parliament.
The sanctions are effective for a period of between three and five years and target the following persons, among others:
Russian oil and gas companies, as well as companies in other sectors, using the property of Ukrainian companies and state property of Ukraine located in Crimea that were illegally expropriated by the Russian authorities