As winter looms, animal sanctuaries across the country are finding themselves in dire situations amid already economically challenging times. Here are a few ways you can help.
The humble egg sits at the intersection of food ethics, philosophy, lifestyle and modern industrialization. Kai Schwabe/Getty Images
You ve probably heard of a vegan someone who sticks to an animal-free, plant-based diet for ethical reasons. And there are vegetarians, of course, who avoid meat but would consider an egg a great source of protein. But have you heard of a
veggan? That s somebody who is vegan, except they eat eggs.
Your reaction to this news probably lands somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle of outrage, apathy and a giant, exaggerated eye roll. But for people who spend a lot of time thinking about the ethics of eating, eggs can be a sticking point: chickens lay eggs regardless of whether they re fertilized by a rooster. And since an unfertilized egg doesn t have any prospects for hatching into a chicken, and the chicken probably doesn t have any plans for it other than getting the thing out of its cloaca, it should be up for grabs, right? Hurting no one?