investigating a meeting between manafort and ecuadorian president lenn nen me rayno in 2016 and that mueller s team has asked if wikileaks or assange were discussed in that meeting. assange has been holed up at the embassy since he was granted asylum in 2012. and in the months leading up to the 2018 election, assange s wikileaks posted thousands of hacked e-mails from the democratic national committee and the clinton campaign. we have more material related to the hillary clinton campaign. reporter: it s something candidate trump bragged about on the campaign trail. this just came out. wikileaks i love wikileaks! reporter: wikileaks denies that manafort ever met assange and assange s lawyers also deny the story. but any meeting between assange and manafort would likely of high interest to the special counsel and its collusion questions. and paul manafort, who is behind bars, he has just respond eed t