onvermt. atri amecan aid wrorkele kild in ukinrae wh hileelping civnsilia. s s deba orpatta tonig easpking to his widow. surirpsing jobsep rort, the west unemployment rate in over y50ears. tbu what doesme it anor f atinflion? an updonate t mheonkey busine tathe dallas zoo. a n mais under arrest tonight, suecd teof sintealg otw rare imates, and the cneonction with the clouded leopard set free d anon the road with a prescriptioron f kindness. youan c see ttha one small act makea s difference. announcer: this is the cbs evening news with norah nno doel rl,eporting fr t nheation s capital. norahod: go eniveng and thank yoru fo joining usn o tshi friday night. toghnit, a life threangteni and bralut arctic blast of cold air and ngstro wdsin s areenngdi teermpaturesng pluing for tens mofillions of acamerins. we ve gourt o forecast tonight in just a moment. pl, the other big storyto nit,gh thamat rine veteran working as anme arinca aid woerrk killed in unekrai iann am bun
millions of $. the judsge i condesiring wheerth to allow tm heto hear about muau sgh alledeg crisme as stdsan trial for turhe mde orf his leif wife andou yngest to be 21 heading overseas ttoheor wld in raukine, the u.s. pledgeno ather $2ilonli in military t aido ukraine toel hp fight off russia s bru italnvioasn. thes new comes as we ear lengarni meor about a huniritaan aid workerm fro jenew rsey w whoas killed while lpheing civnsilia in that war rnto courynt. cbs s debpaora tta rorepts tonightro fm kyiv. ep rorr:te used toro wking under findre a seom of the wod mos st perilous hotpo sts. i want to t ahankllf oour amg azinvontlueers here in minsssio aoscrs iraq and micexo anrad ukine. or repte fr:irst as a corated mari, nethen for arly a decade as a nihumataanri aid worker ovpriding medicaerl svisce in rwaon zes. li hkeere, helping to save a
well. he was really salpeci. r eporter: debora pattbsa, c news, kyiv. norah: may hree st in peace. back here at home now to the onomy and thrpe suringsi monthly jobs report. u.s. emprsloye added 517,000 jobs inan juary, and t emunploymentat re fell to 3.4%. thats ithe lt owesit see bnn i more than ha alf ceurnty. stocks, however,el fl over erconcnsha tt the strongl rea labor reportld wou meanhe t federal rvresee llwi keep israing thosent iertes .rtes cbs s carterns eva has meor. reporter: besusins bisack at the tel tallyrand restaturann burbank, califa.orni she has me adfive new hires. h ow tshing change? more applioicatnsos lt 2-3 months been in foeaur yrs. an andbuance of people lngooki for work. repor jter:obins spititaly anled isure got the biggesbot othit wh streaurantsac cotiunng for everyne o in fiirve hes i,n january.in a,ll more than half ail mlion