saying bebe, the prime minister s nickname, boom. one headline down here. they have had a caricature of him as bugs bunny drawing on the same diagram, calling the diagram a cartoon. there is feeling among some, doing that at united nations holding up the diagram and drawing the red line was perhaps not fitting the prime minister of israel. gregg? gregg: leland vittert in jerusalem. thank you very much. jenna: that is, sparking conversation at home. something we ll talk a lot about on the program today. a florida high school teacher on the wrong side of the law. police say this man tried to hire a mitt hit man who they say he was planning to kill and why. president clinton campaign coining the now famous phrase back in 18992, it s the economy stupid. talking about babies right? gregg: of course not. jenna: you don t do that at the campaign. 20 years later is it still all about the economy? we ll take a look at that just ahead.
what is going on the ground. bill: what is the latest word on another massacre? reports of 240 dead, leland? what can we say? reporter: exactly. it is following a trend every week we re seeing here in syria. you ve to got the assad army going in, shelling, using helicopter gunships against a town. sending in ground troops to kill civilians one by one on the ground. whether this is simply trying to send a message to the rebels or whether an intentional way of trying to ethnically cleanse, hard to tell. bill? bill: leland vittert in jerusalem. thank you for that story, the latest what is happening inside syria. 22 minutes before the hour. ali, what is coming up? alisyn: president obama putting bush-era tax rates on the table as part of his re-election pitch. the house is putting a vote on the just before august break heading president off at the pass. republican congressman louie gohmert is live. bill: shocking discovery.
reportedly destroyed six syrian army personnel carriers. the u.n. special envoy to syria said making the cease-fire deal work is the country s only hope the prevent a civil war. the view from the ground shows there is not much hope to be had. especially considering a rebel commander said today that his forces are going to resume their attack. and the syrian army has had two weeks to regroup. and rearm. bret? bret: leland vittert in jerusalem. thank you. queen elizabeth iii today announced great britain legislative agenda. the queen has no role many content. the plan aims to boost economic growth and 700-year-old house of lords. the euro zone bail-out fund is approving release of $6.7 million in aid to greece. meanwhile, the leader of greece s radical left says he failed the forge a coalition to end the country s post election deadline. grapevine is next. done forget to participate in
withdrawn their military from the streets. they clearly have not done that. syrian state television is now reporting that some 20 soldiers have been killed in roadside bomb attacks by the opposition. it doesn t look like either side is keeping this cease-fire. meantime, president assad and his wife are trying to win the hearts and mind of their own people. they still have a lot of support inside that country. they have been handing out aid and food packages around the country. rick, right now the u.n. observer teams that are on the ground there have very little freedom of movement and clearly there is not much of a cease-fire for them to observe. back to you. rick: leland vittert in jerusalem. leland, thanks. jenna: if you don t pay your taxes don t even think about leaving the country. we ll look whether the taxman should be able to seize your passport? is that even legal? that is coming up. careful, pringles are bursting with more flavor.
meaning in the middle east. four years ago and one day is when muni was kid in damascus by a bomb largely thought to be placed by ma saud in his car. he was notorious leader of the hezbollah militant group. hezbollah promised revenge the past couple years but so far today no responsibility taken about these attacks, martha. martha: leland vittert in jerusalem. gregg: he says it is a compromise but our next guest says president obama is still violating religious liberty. the archbishop of washington joins us coming up next. martha: terrifying to live in these areas right now. chaos that is going on. will the united states have to get involved? gregg: and an iconic voice has been silenced. today the music world reacts to the death of whitney houston. .