Generally, researchers found that common security mechanisms deployed in ordinary computers and servers were absent on CNC installations. One basic problem they discovered was that many of the machines obeyed any command they were given without checking to see whether the command issuer was legitimate.
There once was an assumption among computer programmers that a faster program is also an energy efficient program. The idea transmuted over to software programming languages surely a faster language was a greener one, the logic went.That all changed in 2017 thanks to a group of researchers in Portugal.
You would think that by now, resonance problems would be simulated and resolved long before hard drive designs got to the prototype stage. So I was surprised to find recently that resonant frequencies can still be a problem on disk drives, though in what you might say is an off-beat way.
More and more manufacturers are making an effort to use sustainable materials. With that trend in mind, consider what happened about five years ago when China, which once imported a lot of U.S. refuse for recycling, stopped accepting 24 different recyclables.