company. who was? if i m a shareholder of pp, which i m not, but if i am, how can i then have comfort that the ceo knows what s going on as far as safety on the rigs? or is it true it s all just about profit? there was a drilling team providing oversight of this well. there was a drilling team. i m going to have to go to mr. waxman. mr. waxman questions, please. mr. hayward, when you became ceo three years ago, you said that safety was going to be your top priority, you would focus on it like a laser. your web site said safe and reliabrely able operations are integral to bp s success. i want to ask you whether you think bp has met that commitment that you made when you became ceo. since i became ceo we have made a lot of progress. we have made it very clear to everyone in the company that safe, reliable have you met that commitment that you made? and we ve made major changes.
held accountable here? there is no doubt that i ve focused on safe, legreliable operations. we ve made major changes in everything we do in the last three years. what changes have you made since april 20th when the bp deep water horizon exploded? what changes were made then? based on what we know so far, we have made changes with respects to the testing and evaluation of blowout preventers. we ve made changes with respect to ensuring that people who were dealing with well control are up to date and fully valid ated for well control procedures and as we learn more about what happened here, we will continue make changes. my time is just about up. i m do going to hold members to our time. we want to get through at least one with more round. let me just ask you this. last five years i ve been up
deep water horizon and other disasters like the refinery explosion in texas city, texas, and the alaskan oil pipeline spill? i think we ve acknowledged in 2005 in 2006 that we had serious issues. as a consequence, we set out to implement systematic change in bp. i set the tone from the top by saying very clearly, safe, reliable operations were with our number one priority. we ve invested billions of dollars in the integrity of our plant. we ve recruited many thousands of engineers and technologists into our company, including many from our industries such as the nuclear industry and other parts of the chemical and oil and gas industry. and we have changed fundamentally our whole approach to the management of our operations through the implementation of significant change to our processes.
and time. and as the chief executive officer of bp, as i state in my opening, you called for a leaner decision making process. you called for fewer people in the decision making process. you stated individuals need to be accountable for risk and to manage risk. therefore, bp s leadership managed their risk in this well. did you manage the risk properly? since i ve been the ceo of this company, i have focused on safe reliable operations. i ve set the tone from the top by making it very clear to everyone in bp that safe, reliable operations are our number one priority. of course this is about much more than words. safety is about three things. it s about plant, it s about people and about process. in the last three years, we ve invested more than $14 billion in plant integrity. but then what happened here? i mean, the june 14th letter we