PORTLAND, Maine (AP) Maine lawmakers are considering new controls for an important bait fishing industry in the state. Maine's catch of menhaden has swelled in recent years .
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) Maine lawmakers are considering new controls for an important bait fishing industry in the state. Maine's catch of menhaden has swelled in recent years .
AUGUSTA The Legislature’s Committee on Marine Resources approved Wednesday a bill from Senator David Miramant, D-Camden, to support Maine’s lobster industry.
LD 338, “An Act To Amend the Law Governing the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative,” received bipartisan support with a unanimous vote of ought to pass as amended from the committee members present.
“Lobstering is an important part of our heritage and our tourist and hospitality industries,” said Sen. Miramant. “The Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative does important work to advertise our lobster and increase demand for Maine lobster. Our lobster industry depends on the MLMC just as much as our economy depends on our lobster industry. I’m proud to sponsor this legislation so that they can continue their good work.”