decision and of the other opinions, where wereth devoted o the constitution, weren t they ? yeah, t look, the whole thing was and i d encourage all ofav your viewerse who have not yetni read justice alito s masterful opinion to do so. they will be left with the unmistakable conviction that there is nothing int the constitution that separatese and makes it somehow a decision that can be made only by justices and judges. this is something that is reserved to the peoplee because it s not taken off the table by the constitution. r the other thing he said is he s waiting for congress to act to pass legislation too codify abortion rights. wouldn t that be contrary to the majority opinion in dobbs which said we are returning the decision making to the states where it belongs,
0 about ite line that s for us tonight. sorry, biden joked our friend j jarocin for sean tonight. have the best night with the ones you love.te w i ll see you monday. at. welcome everyone to this special edition of hannity . i m right here i show tonight.em top democrats and their friendsc in the liberal media all butid begging president biden to do something, anything on a variety of key issues in response today, the white house signed a rather useless executive order on abortion rights that does little to nothingab, just another political stunt from a white house that is trulyen incompete. in every way. what else would you expect fromo a president who struggles with basic task s like, you know, walking and talking even with the assistance of a teleprompter? watch this. itit is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the menge who do so end of quote, repeated line women are notar without electo