The Pirate Legend title in Sea Of Thieves unlocks new challengers for players, but earning this title isn t easy. So, here s our guide to help you out.
‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Guide: Get Legendary Clothing, Increase Armor Early In The Game
There are lots of ways that players can customize their character in the game
One is by equipping themselves with Legendary Clothing
Legendary Clothes are rare pieces of clothing in “Cyberpunk 2077” that provide distinct effects. While regular clothes can be purchased in the shop, these are hard to find and sometimes require side quests to obtain Legendary Threads. For players having a hard time finding Legendary Clothing in the early part of “Cyberpunk 2077,” this guide could come in handy.
Players can obtain the Trilayer Aramid Weave Fixer Coat that reduces damage from negative stats by 5%. It also increases the players’ carrying capacity by 7 and has one available mod slot. Players can find this coat by the broken Ferris Wheel in Rancho Colorado. It s in a box near the red cabin.