more than 13 women. we asked. listen. are you able to pay child support? i can t pay no child support right now. how do you father that many children. it s hard to be in one place at once? it s called cell phones. what about contraception, was that just not an option for you? i was young, ambitious. i was just young and ambitious and i loved women. hey, you can t knock no man for loving women. ladies like you? the ladies love me. they don t like me, they love me. the ladies love me, they don t like me. you like the idea of having that many children out there that you fathered? yeah, shaw legacy lives on. my family stays strong. i ll make sure we ll be here for years and years to come. why is this story important to you? for starters, tennessee taxpayers are now responsible
steve: even after his passing navy seal chris kyl s legacy lives on. before being shot at a gun range in texas in february, the slain sniper and our next guest were organizing a concealed weapons course. kyle s dream came to fruition this past weekend in texas packing kennandale s high school awed tourpl. joining us is kyle partner in this endeavor and dear friend, chief of public safety for darworthington gardens. good morning to you. good morning. it is an honor to be here. it is an honor. you were good friends with chris kyle, america s deadliest military sniper. when did you two decide getting together a bunch of teachers in an auditorium
and the role of government. dan akerson, the ceo of general motors, the largest consider manufacturer in the world back from bankruptcy with a bang. then the new head of the imf, france s former finance minister christine lagarde on the fate of america, greece, the euro and more. also the knight s tell particular. why in the world is an 800-year-old religious organization being cited by murderers on at least two continents? finally, what is this green blob attacking china? first here is my take. i know you heard so much about the debt ceiling that you re probably exhausted. i think it s important to point out a few facts because this matter has been so clouded by rhetoric. did you know there is only one other country in the world that even has a debt ceiling? that s denmark. it s a strange anomaly because its debt ceiling is deliberately kept very high so it will never need to be raised. why does no one else have a debt ceiling? because when a legislature votes to autho